Brian Murray Retires

Brian Murray Retires

Brian Murray has retired after 32 years with Greenville Utilities. Brian was an Equipment Operator IV in Water Resources and did medium to heavy construction work on both water and sewer mains. He also worked on main installations and repairs. Brian was well-known for representing GUC in the Eastern Water & Wastewater Network Backhoe Rodeo competition each year, bringing back a total of 13 first and second place trophies.
"I thank God for the folks I've worked with and for Greenville Utilities," said Brian. "I worked with a bunch of good guys and ladies who became my second family."
He and his wife Robin have three children, Marcus, Natasha, and Kendall, and two grandchildren, Journi and Justyn. In retirement, Brian plans to do more fishing and racing remote control boats. He also plans to continue his raising of several types of rabbits including Flemish Giants, New Zealands, and Lionheads.
Brian, we wish you the very best in retirement!