Ervin Hardee Retires

Ervin Hardee Retires
Underground Maintenance Crew Leader Ervin Hardee has retired after 30 years of service with Greenville Utilities. Before going into linework with an Underground Construction Crew, Ervin worked in the Meter Section doing meter reading and testing. As a Crew Leader, Ervin was responsible for one of the Electric Underground Service Crews that handle installation and maintenance of underground electric lines and transformers for both residential and commercial industrial services, and underground cable and transformer replacements. Ervin also was part of GUC’s Lighthouse Process as an Observer and Steering Team Member.
“It’s been a great place to work and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know so many different employees as well as customers out in the field,” said Ervin. “I worked with a great group of guys. It was like a family atmosphere. I also enjoyed going on mutual aid trips and helping out other utilities.”
Ervin is married to Billing Clerk Denine Hardee. They have two children, Lauren (a local nurse), and Savanna (a Junior at D.H. Conley). Ervin looks forward to spending his free time with his family and attending church activities. He also has a new job lined up with ECU’s West Campus Electric Department.
Good luck in retirement, Ervin. We’ll miss you!