January Storm and Cold Snap

January Storm and Cold Snap

January 12, 2017

The weekend of January 6th sure did pack a punch with lots of ice, snow, and freezing temperatures from Winter Storm Helena, causing roads, schools, and businesses to close. In fact, our own GUC offices delayed opening on January 9th and 10th due to hazardous road conditions.

While many of us were tucked safely in our warm homes, some employees stayed behind to prepare for the weather, clean up after the storm had passed, and handle "business as usual" with operations. We want to take the opportunity to thank those of you who stayed behind to keep our systems (and ultimately our customers' homes and businesses) up and running. We also want to thank our Buildings and Grounds team, along with Gas Systems Crew Leaders Ralph Langley and Chris Rouse, for making sure that our facilities were safe for our customers and employees to return to after the winter storm passed.

Big Thaw Revealed Big Problems

As temperatures began to rise above freezing for the first time in nearly five days, Public Information issued alerts asking customers and employees to keep an ear and an eye out for water problems. The Water Treatment Plant recorded near record high water demand — just about the same levels as the deep freeze of 2015.

"Back in 2015, we were so cold for so long, many of our customers' pipes froze," said Water Quality Manager Anthony Whitehead. "Pipes under houses and in the ground, like a sprinkler system, would freeze, then burst, but the temperatures were so cold, the water would freeze again. You would not even know the pipe was frozen."

Once temperatures rise and the sun starts to warm the ground, those broken pipes start to gush water and place a huge demand on GUC's water system. Local media did a great job in helping us ask all customers to take a few moments to stop, look, and listen for water leaks.

GUC's website has information and videos that provide tips to customers on how to prevent their pipes from freezing. We encourage you to share this information and links to our webpage (guc.com) with your friends, family, and customers so they are prepared for the next freeze.

(pictured above: Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Greg Roberson, Facilities Maintenance Crew Leader Mark Nash, Facilities Maintenance Worker Charles Becton, Risk and Facilities Manager Kevin Keyzer, and Facilities Maintenance Technician James Thronburg shovel and treat sidewalks and steps at the GUC facilities after the winter storm.)