April 2023: In The Community

April 2023: In The Community
This is a fun and busy time for us in the community!
Inner Banks Home Builders Association
Charles Buck and Eric Phillips (Gas) spoke with 25 members of the Inner Banks Home Builders Association at their meeting on April 5th. They spoke about the Gas Department and offered underground utility damage prevention tips.
Teacher Executive Institute
On April 11th, teachers with the Pitt County Schools Teacher Executive Institute toured many of GUC's facilities. Thank you to Linda Clark (Public Information) for acting as tour guide and Charles Buck (Gas), for driving the group all day, Amy Wade and Lou Norris with GMO for organizing the day, and to each of the operating departments for hosting the teachers throughout the day.
ECU School of Communication Career Fair
Emily Garner and Emily Winslow with Public Information visited the ECU Student Center on April 12th to share information about upcoming internships and job openings at GUC during the School of Communication Career Fair.
Pitt Community College Career Fair
Juanita Sims, Cortney Bazemore, and Kay Spriggs with HR attended the Pitt Community College Career Fair on April 12th to speak with students about jobs and opportunities at GUC.
Eastern Elementary Career Fair (picSeth Shoneman and Jonathan Sergeant with Energy Services attended Eastern Elementary School’s Career Fair on April 13th to share information with elementary school students about conserving energy.
GUC employees joined others from our community to help make the 16th annual PirateFest event a success on April 15th. PirateFest is a large outdoor celebration in Uptown Greenville offering food, art, and entertainment to people of all ages. Some of our employees were on hand to provide information and give prizes to ensure event goers had a fun time at our booth, along with others helping facilitate the NC 811 Mini Excavator Activity brought to us by GUC retiree Howard Corey who now works with NC811.
Thanks to Eban Kea (IT), Emily Garner (Public Information), Caitlyn McLawhorn (Finance), Emily Winslow (Public Information), and Erin Walton (Public Information) for helping to make GUC’s adventure at PirateFest a huge success!
GR Whitfield Career Fair & WWTP Tour
Durk Tyson and Carl Smith (Gas) attended G.R. Whitfield’s Career Fair on April 21st to share information with students about GUC and the Gas Department. Eighth graders from the school also toured the Wastewater Treatment Plant on April 20th.
Belvoir & Lakeforest Elementary School Touch-A-Trucks
Greg Lyons, Colby Boyd, Danny Lane, and Tyler Walston with Water Resources were on hand at Belvoir Elementary’s Touch-a-Truck event on April 21st to give students the opportunity to explore one of GUC's Water trucks. Greg, Colby, Danny and Tyler were also on hand for the Lakeforest Elementary Truck Fair on April 27th.
Earth Day
Thank you to Seth Shoneman (Energy Services) and Emily Garner (Public Information) for representing GUC at the Cypress Group of the NC Sierra Club’s Earth Day Event at A Time for Science on April 22nd. Attendees learned about conserving energy, what not to put down house drains and toilets, and received a bag of compost made with biosolids from our Wastewater Treatment Plant.
ECU Pirate Festivities Touch-a-Truck
Thank you to Chris Rouse and Allen Brooks (Gas) and Emily Winslow (Public Information) for attending ECU’s Pirate Festivities Touch-a-Truck event on April 29th with GUC’s directional drilling rig and dump truck for children to explore.
Farmville Middle School
Thank you to Cortney Bazemore (HR) for representing GUC on April 28th at the Farmville Middle School career fair.