September 2016 In The Community

September 2016 In The Community
Jim Rapin, Energy Services Officer (pictured above), gave a home energy conservation presentation to approximately 50 people at the Aktion Club of Eastern Carolina on September 1st. The Aktion Club was started in 2005 and is a Kiwanis program for adults with disabilities. Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

GUC went back to school September 7th -- at ECU! We joined with other community businesses and organizations to share information for students, faculty, and staff at the Chamber's "Get a Clue" Merchants Fair.
"It's always great to talk with students about how easy it is to get their utilities set up," said Linda Clark. "With our new online tools, it's better than ever, and they appreciate knowing that."
Thanks go out to Jonathan Britt (Finance), Cleve Haddock (Finance - pictured above), Brandie Whitehurst (Finance), Emily Barnes (Public Information), and Linda Clark (Public Information) for making our participation in this annual event a success.

Greenville Utilities kicked off Public Power and Public Natural Gas Week two days early during Freeboot Friday on September 30th. Uptown Greenville coordinates Freeboot Fridays on the eve of ECU home football games. There's live music, food, activities for children, and more. Freebooters were able to spin the GUC prize wheel to get promotional items and they also enjoyed bucket truck rides. Thank you to Tracy Elks (Electric), Jordan Hill (Electric), David Bunch (Electric), Jeremy Wallace (Electric), Teresa Wall (Human Resources), Tyler Stocks (Public Information), Linda Clark (Public Information), and Emily Barnes (Public Information) for ensuring that event goers had a grand time.