Changes Atop Lighthouse

Changes Atop Lighthouse
A critical part of the Lighthouse process is support from upper management. Along with our new facilitator, Brian Greer, comes a new Management Sponsor, Randy Emory, Director of Water Resources.
Since the Lighthouse process began in 2013, a solid foundation has been put in place. "I'm looking forward to building on the past success of Lighthouse to make it even more effective," said Randy. "We've got some work to do to make it as strong as it can be. Nothing is more important than our people being able to work safely."
The Management Sponsor role includes supporting and guiding the Lighthouse Steering Team, as well as the Barrier Removal Team (BRT). The BRT is comprised of the Directors of the Operating Departments — Randy Emory, Roger Jones, and Anthony Miller. When observers identify something that is a barrier to safe behavior, the BRT can authorize steps, and the funds, to remove the barrier. "We rely on the Barrier Removal Team to help out when we encounter a situation that will take some money and support to fix," said Brian. "The Management Sponsor plays a big part in that."
Look for more updates and information about the Lighthouse Process, and how you can get involved to make a difference.