After years of planning and work, the final phase of our OPTICS project, Navigate, is nearly complete. Arguably this last phase is the most important one as it ties all of the other components together and connects them to the customer. That is what OPTICS is all about — the customers we serve.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in this project for their hard work and dedication. A project like this is never easy, but in the end can have long-lasting, positive effects on not only our customers, but our employees as well.
It would be easy to sit back, relax, and admire the work we've done so far, but that won't get us where we need to be. This final stretch is when we need everyone to keep their eye on the prize and focus on making sure these systems operate the way we need them to...and for many of us, that means changing the way we work.
Whether your role in the coming weeks and months is to adapt to using the new systems, or to make changes to it, or somewhere in between, every one of us has a critical role to play in the project's success. So, if you are asked to help in any way, please do so willingly and quickly.
Our ability to provide excellent customer service depends on us getting this right.