October 2017 Newsmakers

October 2017 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Jesse Chadwick / 30 Years
Jesse Chadwick, Chemist at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP), recently celebrated 30 years of service with Greenville Utilities. Jesse is responsible for managing the water quality laboratory staff of six. Each year, the WTP lab conducts more than 100,000 tests on hundreds of substances to ensure that our drinking water is safe. "I like the variety of my job," said Jesse. "There are different challenges to experience each day." When he's not at work, Jesse is busy with his daughters, Kristina and Jessica.
Mark Windham / 30 Years
Mark Windham recently celebrated 30 years of service with GUC. Mark is the Load Management/Systems Dispatch Supervisor in the Electric Department. He supervises the Load Management Technicians as well as the Dispatchers in Station One. Mark is one of the key people involved in making load management decisions. By reducing "peaks," which occur when all of our customers use the greatest amount of electricity, we can hold down the cost of wholesale power we purchase. Mark keeps a close watch on a lot of moving parts (weather, holidays, school closings, load patterns, etc.) in order to save us and our customers (residential and industrial) an annual average of $13.1million in electrical demand costs.
"The people are what I love the most about GUC," he said. "I have a responsible and dependable group of Dispatchers and Technicians who make a superior team, and I couldn't think of a better group of people to work with." Mark has also been volunteering for the last 38 years with the Eastern Pines Fire Department. During that time, he's been honored as the Eastern Pines Fireman of the Year and Pitt County Rural/Volunteer Fireman of the Year. When he finds free time, Mark enjoys hunting and fishing and is very active with New Destiny Church. He and his wife, Mitzie, have two children, Mathew and Stephanie, and six grandchildren.
Allen Lyles / 20 Years
Allen Lyles recently celebrated 20 years of service with GUC. As a Meter Crew Leader, Allen oversees the Meter Service Section that includes Meter Service Workers and Technicians who are responsible for the 24/7 call rotation and for completing all service-related orders. Allen also works closely with our Revenue Protection staff on connections and disconnections. "I enjoy seeing my crews work safely and efficiently as a team to meet the needs of both our customers and coworkers," said Allen. "They do an awesome job, often times working in inclement weather, year round." In his spare time, Allen enjoys speckled trout fishing and his mother's cooking. She lives with Allen and his wife of 12 years, Kanisha. He also enjoys spending time with his wife, helping people learn about the Bible.
15 Years
Thomas Culver, Electric Shop Technician
5 Years
Justin McLawhorn, Electric Overhead Lineworker III
New Hires
Kathy Howard, Business Development Specialist
Karin Fullington, Communications Specialist
Jordan Godley, Water Resources Systems Maintenance Crew Leader
Lin Hall, Systems Analyst I
Ronald Miller, Wastewater Treatment Plant Maintenance Plant Crew Leader
Corey Mills, Water Resources Pump Station Maintenance Crew Leader
Thank You's
Michael Jahn with C. Michael Construction called to compliment Gas employees David Telfair, Curtis Dixon, Ronald Davenport, Bobby Green, Chris Bright, and William Morning for providing excellent customer service while installing a new gas service line at one of his properties. Mr. Jahn described their work as "beautiful, great, and awesome." He said the crews exceeded his expectations and that he was very pleased with their work.?
Congratulations to Water Resources Pump Station Maintenance Crew Leader Corey Mills and his wife, Theresa, on the birth of their son, Elijah Jacob.
Congratulations to Water Treatment Plant Operator Brooks Nobles and his wife, Tonya, on the birth of their son, Easton.
Congratulations to General Manager's Office Staff Support Specialist Kristen Jarman and her husband, Matt, on the birth of their son Connor Thomas.
Congratulations also to IT Systems Analyst Lin Hall and his wife, Tiffany, on the birth of their daughter, Skylar Elena.
Our condolences are extended to Water Resources Engineer Scott Farmer on the recent loss of his grandmother Ms. Evelyn McKeel.
Our condolences are extended to Water Resources Engineer Scott Farmer on the recent loss of his grandmother Ms. Evelyn McKeel.
Our deepest sympathies go to Business Analyst Becka Hanson on the recent passing of her mother, Darlene Joy Paschket.
Please join us in congratulating Water Treatment Plant Operator Katherine Carruth on recently passing her B-Surface certification exam from the NC Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board. To obtain this certification, Katherine attended a weeklong school where she studied and was tested on a variety of topics including pumps, instrumentation, bacteriology, iron and manganese removal, corrosion control, lab procedures, disinfection, and more.
Procurement Coordinator Cleve Haddock recently represented GUC and the Carolinas Association of Governmental Purchasing (CAGP) at the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. He served as the facilitator for the Utilities Round Table Discussion that focused on purchasing.
Assistant Director of Customer Relations, Scott Mullis, along with Public Information Specialist Emily Garner, recently gave presentations at the American Public Power Association's Business and Finance Conference in Nashville, TN. Scott's presentation focused on providing customer service during natural disasters, and Emily's topic was social media policies.