GUC Receives NCDOL Safety Awards

GUC Receives NCDOL Safety Awards
At this year’s Greenville-Pitt Chamber of Commerce annual Safety Luncheon on April 25th, the NC Department of Labor (NCDOL) recognized our efforts to work safely. For one of our departments, this was the 17th consecutive year earning awards at the banquet. In all, we were honored with 13 safety awards.
Gold Level Awards were presented to companies with days away from work, job transfers, or restricted time rates at least 50% below the industry average. Awards at this level went to Wastewater Treatment Plant (17th year), Customer Relations (11th year), Water Treatment Plant (7th year), Express Office (4th year), Administration (3rd year), Administration Building (3rd year), Information Technology (3rd year), Red Banks (1st year), and Human Resources (1st year).
Silver Level Awards were presented to companies with days away from work rates at least 50% below the industry average. Awards at this level went to Finance (1st year), Meter (1st year), Electric (1st year), and GUC as a whole (1st year).
NCDOL's Safety Awards Program was established in 1946 and recognizes private and public firms throughout the state that maintain good safety records.
Congratulations to all on a job well done — safely!