April 2016 Board Notes

April 2016 Board Notes

April 22, 2016

The GUC Board of Commissioners held its regular monthly meeting on April 21, 2016. Here are the highlights of those meetings:

ElectriCities Cooperative Bid Agreement Renewal. Historically, GUC has entered into a Cooperative Bid Agreement with ElectriCities allowing GUC to participate with other ElectriCities' members to jointly advertise and receive bids for fixed prices on various electrical materials, supplies, and equipment.  The partnership provides GUC with the opportunity to purchase materials and supplies at a lower cost while continuing to receive quality products. The existing agreement will expire on December 31, 2016. The Board unanimously voted to authorize the General Manager/CEO to execute the agreement renewal for the next term, which begins January 1, 2017.

Preliminary FY 2015-16 Budget Adoption. During the March Board meeting, it was the consensus of the Board to have GUC staff move forward with development of the preliminary Fiscal Year (FY) 2016-17 budget and plan as recommended by staff and the Board Finance Committee. During the April Board meeting, the Board voted to accept the preliminary budget, which was presented to Greenville City Council on May 12th, followed by a public hearing scheduled for June 6th. Final adoption of the budget will considered at the Board's June 9th meeting, with final consideration by the City Council also scheduled for June 13th.

Load Management Update. The Duke Energy Progress (DEP) monthly peak occurred on March 3, 2016, for the hour ending at 8:00 a.m. GUC's load management system was in full operation during this period.  As a result, the estimated avoided demand costs amount to $1, 048,780.