Digital Campaign Leads to National Awards

Digital Campaign Leads to National Awards
GUC’s Public Information Office received two 2020 Excellence in Public Power Communications awards from the American Public Power Association (APPA). The awards were in the Video and Web/Social Media categories.
Awards were given to those who showed ingenuity and creativity in telling their stories through outstanding copy, design, graphics, social media engagement, and video editing. This is the fifth time GUC has won an award for website and/or social media efforts, and the third award for video.
“I am proud of our Public Information team for receiving this recognition,” said Public Information Officer / Communications Manager Steve Hawley. “We have a very talented team of people who work hard to clearly and creatively communicate with our customers and community, and this recognition is a testament to what they do every day for GUC.”
The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide. They represent public power before the federal government to protect the interests of the more than 49 million people that public power utilities serve, and the 93,000 people they employ. The association advocates and advises on electricity policy, technology, trends, training, and operations.
Here for You Campaign
The spring of 2020 marked the beginning of an unprecedented time for all of us. COVID-19 changed how we go about our daily lives and continue to serve our community.
State-mandated restrictions forced GUC to shut down our customer service areas. Customers who were used to coming in to our offices to pay their bills, start service, or speak with employees about financial situations were no longer allowed inside our buildings. Our dispatch center, electric facilities, and water and wastewater treatment plants all stopped providing tours. Community events were cancelled. And the list goes on.
To help customers continue to feel “connected” to GUC, the Public Information Office created a digital campaign for our community so they would know that while things are very different, one thing remains the same: we were still here, working for them.
The team came up with a campaign with the theme, “We’re Here for You.” With the help of employees from all departments, the team created a video and social campaign revolving around the theme that even though customers might not see us, we were still “here” for them – no matter where “here” is.
A huge thank you goes out to all the employees who helped out with this campaign! Those employees are (in no particular order): Jonathan Sergeant (Energy Services), Matthew May (Finance), Kendra Fields (Customer Relations), Lee Eakes (Customer Relations), Karin Fullington (Public Information), Brooke Norton (Water Treatment Plant), David Guy (Electric), Alton Hardee (Gas), David Bunch (Electric), Keshia Pierce (Customer Relations), Tony Cannon (General Manager/CEO), Cathy, McGowan (Electric), Steve Hawley (Public Information), Kendra Nettles (Water Treatment Plant), Johnny Vernon (Gas), Emily Garner (Public Information), and Erin Walton (Public Information).