February 2016 Board Notes

February 2016 Board Notes
The GUC Board of Commissioners held its regular monthly meeting on February 18, 2016. Here are the highlights of those meetings:
Award of Bid for Electric POD Substation. GUC receives electric service from Duke Energy Progress (DEP) 230 kilovolt (kV) transmission lines that enter into our service area. Currently, GUC operates two Point of Delivery (POD) substations for this purpose. Long-range planning has recognized the need for additional POD capacity to enhance reliability of delivery and support long-term system growth.
The new POD Substation, Greenville 230 kV South POD # 3, will be constructed with a single 120 mega volt-ampere (MVA), 230 kilovolt (kV)-115 kV step down power transformer. The POD site has been purchased and engineering for the POD is ongoing. In response to the Request for Proposal for the design of a 230 kV Autotransformer for Greenville POD # 3, six proposals were received. The Board unanimously voted to award bid to W.R. Daniels, representing SPX Waukesha.
Load Management Update. The Duke Energy Progress (DEP) monthly peak occurred on January 19, 2016, for the hour ending at 8:00 a.m. GUC's load management system was in full operation during this period. As a result, the estimated avoided demand costs amount to $1,062,538.