June 2020 Newsmakers

June 2020 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Ronnie Staton / 35 Years
Master Mechanic Ronnie Staton recently celebrated 35 years of service with GUC. Ronnie works on the Fleet Maintenance team, which is a section of our Finance Department. They are responsible for the routine maintenance and servicing of GUC’s fleet, which also includes “in servicing” of new vehicles and equipment (logo decals, safety outfitting, etc.). Thanks to the hard work and dedication of Ronnie and the team, GUC trucks, trailers, and equipment are being kept in top-notch shape. Ronnie shared what he likes most about his job. “It’s not like being a mechanic at a dealership where you do the same thing every day,” he said. “We have lots of different vehicles and types of equipment to work on. It’s something different all the time.”
15 Years
Brad Burroughs, Electric Engineering Assistance II
Kevin Lockamy, Master Mechanic
10 Years
David Bunch, Overhead Lineworker First Class
Cole Hartley, Meter Technician II
Travis Lancaster, Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator III
John Roebuck, Water Resources Pipe Crew Leader II
Our deepest condolences to Master Mechanic William Cooley on the loss of his wife, Beverly.
Our condolences also to Human Resources Manager Lena Previll on the loss of her grandmother, Maria LaPayne.
Chief Financial Officer Jeff McCauley has been appointed the Chair of the Business and Finance Section of the American Public Power Association (APPA). APPA’s Annual Business and Finance Conference offers more than 60 educational sessions for public power professionals in key areas such as accounting and finance; customer accounting and services; human resources and training; information technology; pricing and marketing analysis; and risk management and insurance. The APPA is an association of more than 2,000 not-for-profit community-owned utilities across the nation.
Thank You's
Assistant Director of Customer Relations Scott Mullis along with Energy Services Officers Jonathan Sergeant and Seth Shoneman received a thank you note from Christal Curran, Director of Medicare Services at Pitt County Council on Aging, for their recent delivery of box fans. “We are thankful for Greenville Utilities’ continued support of seniors in Pitt County for 25 years,” wrote Christal. “We appreciate you and other GUC staff for making this program possible.”
Debbie Jones sent a complimentary note regarding two different outage events at her house in June. “I knew we were in good hands each time,” she wrote. “Thanks to the most professional, courteous, reliable lineman in the business!” She'd like to thank the following Electric employees for helping with each occasion: Mark Howery, Brian Baker, Shawn Adams, Jason Gaskins, Tracy Elks, Richard Gould, Matt Board, Justin McLawhorn, Caleb Brickhouse, Casey Jones, Brian Stallings, Kevin Willoughby, Calvin Whitehead, Stephen Leggett, and Kevin Jones.