Chris Corey Retires

Chris Corey Retires
Engineering Coordinator Chris Corey recently retired from Greenville Utilities after 30 years of service. He began his GUC career as a Meter Reader and has also worked as an Electric Overhead Lineworker and Engineering Assistant. As the Engineering Coordinator, Chris supervised the Engineering Assistants. Chris and his team make sure customers applying for service receive it as quickly as possible. They spend much of their time in the field and have a great deal of customer contact, especially with builders and developers. They perform a variety of duties related to new service installation, line extensions, relocation of facilities and area lighting.
"I enjoyed the people at GUC and I also liked the challenges that came with my job," Chris said. "Thirty years is a long time and I'm walking away from a lot of friends. But life is short, so when you have an opportunity to spend more time with your family, then do it."
Chris and his wife, Lidelle, have four children (Logan, Summer, Spencer, and Bailee). In addition to enjoying more time with his family in retirement, Chris plans to spend more time hunting, fishing, and snow skiing.
Chris, we wish you the best of luck in retirement. You deserve it!