Appreciation Breakfast
Human Resources partnered with Public Information to host a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on February 6th to show appreciation for the employees who assisted with career fairs and community events in 2024. Each year, HR and Pub Info coordinate GUC volunteers to participate in approximately 45 career fairs and community events, not including ECU games where we also have representation. General Manager/CEO Tony Cannon also joined to the event share his appreciation for employees taking the time to represent GUC in our community throughout the year.
Career Fairs
Employees were busy in February sharing career information with students of all ages. Thank you to the following employees for contributing their time at these career fairs:
- PCC Intern Fair: Jason Manning, Bryon Orr, and Chris Hill (WWTP), Lee Ausbon (Electric), and Lena Previll (HR)
- ECU Engineering Connect at Sci-Tech: Carl Smith and Dillon Wade (Gas), and Cort Bazemore (HR)
- ECU Science, Engineering, & Technology Fair: Tracy Williams and Juanita Sims (HR), and Branson Rogers (Gas)
- ECU Spring Job & Internship Fair: Leah Herring (HR), and Andy Anderson and Allen Watkins (IT)
- Elizabeth City State University: Lena Previll (HR)
- Wahl-Coates Black History Science Fair: Jonathan Sergeant (Energy Services)
- Hope Middle School Career Fair: Lena Previll (HR)
In Good Company
GUC was represented at the first session of the City’s re-vamped Citizens Academy on February 26th as one of the City’s community partners. Steve Hawley (Pub Info) presented information about GUC to the program’s participants.