July 2021 Newsmakers

July 2021 Newsmakers
Service Awards
Cherlyn Barrett / 30 Years
Cherlyn Barrett recently celebrated 30 years of service with GUC. As a Gas Engineering Assistant II, she works with customers to make sure everything is handled correctly with getting service connected at their home or business. This process involves obtaining all required permits, estimating the labor and materials that are required for the jobs, and calling North Carolina 811 to have all utilities located. Cherlyn meets with our customers and Operations personnel at job sites so that everyone is aware of the project requirements and the service or main can be installed in a timely and professional manner. When Cherlyn received her 25-year service award in 2016, she said that GUC has been a great place for her to work, and that she appreciates all the support she’s received during difficult times. She also said that when you're down, it's good to know your coworkers are there for you. What does she say after 30 years? “I say ‘ditto’ to all of that today.” Shannon Oakley / 25 Years
Customer Contact Representative II Shannon Oakley is celebrating 25 years with GUC. She works in the Credit and Collections Section of the Customer Relations Department, assisting our customers with pay plans, pay arrangements, and a variety of other things. She also works closely with Revenue Protection. In addition, Shannon works with the Pitt County Department of Social Services as well as local groups and churches to help our customers. She also worked on the OPTICS (Optimizing Processes and Technology to Improve Customer Service) Navigate Core Team to implement our new Customer Care & Billing system. Shannon continues to assist with behind-the-scenes updates and testing to the system, including the recent implementation of our new online customer portal that was launched earlier this year. She also works closely with IT Systems Analysts to create reports as needed for Customer Relations, Billing, and Revenue Protection. Prior to joining Customer Relations, Shannon was a Cashier in the Finance Department for ten years. “My career journey here has been a blessing,” she said. “There has been room to grow at GUC, and I feel like God put certain people here to bless me on this journey. I’m also thankful for all the benefits GUC offers.”
10 Years
Stephanie Talbott, Water Resources Staff Support Specialist II
Gustavo Smith, Electric Substation Lineworker Third Class
John Oswald, Electric Overhead Lineworker Second Class
Ernest Overton, Meter Technician II
John Bartolotti, IT Systems Analyst IV
Our deepest condolences are extended to the family of GUC retiree Ernie Poling (WWTP Operator III). Ernie passed peacefully in the presence of his family on July 23rd.
Our sympathies are also extended to Meter Crew Leader Holden Rouse on the recent passing of his mother, Mrs. Alice Little Rouse.
Our condolences are also extended to the family of Water Resources' retiree Jimmy Nethercutt, who passed away in late July. Jimmy's son, Allen Nethercutt, retired from GUC’s Electric Department.
Thank You's
Mrs. Kelli Currin sent a compliment via Facebook Messenger regarding a gas incident that Gas Systems Crew Leader Butch Mills, and Gas Systems Technicians Stephen Roebuck and Justin Oakes responded to when lightning struck the ground near her home and cracked their gas service line. “They worked on it that night to get it sealed and ensured our safety,” she wrote. “They were kind and so easy to work with. Having them arrive so quickly and help us immediately was truly amazing. GUC was quite busy that night, but our service was impeccable. I can’t thank you all enough.”
Wayman Williams with the City of Greenville Housing Authority sent a thank you letter to GUC for the recent donation of fans. “The much-needed fans will certainly provide relief for public housing residents during the summer heat,” he wrote. “Greenville Utilities Commissions' continued commitment to support and assist vulnerable residents of Greenville is truly honorable and very much appreciated.”