Finance Receives State-Wide Awards
Finance Receives State-Wide Awards
For the fifth year in a row, the purchasing section of GUC's Finance Department received the Sustained Professional Purchasing Award, presented by the Carolinas Association of Governmental Purchasing (CAGP). GUC is one of 13 member agencies throughout North Carolina and South Carolina to receive the award. The accolade reflects that GUC conducts business in a professional and ethical manner.
Cleve Haddock, Procurement Coordinator, was instrumental in helping the department obtain this recognition. Throughout the award year (2015), requirements to meet complex criteria were met. GUC received merits for the use of technology, minority outreach, staff certification, customer training, vendor training, and the use of recycled products.
Cleve accepted the award during the CAGP's 60th Spring Conference and Vendor Show Banquet held here in Greenville. Cleve serves on the CAGP Board of Directors and Conference Committee.
CAGP is a professional non-profit organization devoted to improvements in governmental purchasing, the exchange of ideas, promoting procurements rules and procedures, professional development and purchasing certification through its affiliation with the UNC School of Government.
Purchaser of the Year Award
Also during the conference, Cleve was presented the Billy D. Ray Purchaser of The Year Award. The purpose of this award is to give appreciation and recognition to public purchasing professionals who have made significant contributions within the past two years to the success of their entities, their profession, and themselves. It is presented annually at the Conference in memory of Billy D. Ray, CLGPO, Purchasing Manager for the City of Burlington, for his outstanding contributions and service to the cause and advancement of the public purchasing profession.
In addition, Cleve was presented the Certified Local Government Purchasing Officer (CLGPO) certification, which is earned by successfully achieving the prescribed requirements in education, personal development, and professional responsibility as established by the Carolinas Association of Governmental Purchasing and the UNC School of Government.
Congratulations to Cleve and the Finance Department on these outstanding accomplishments!