November 2020

Long-time Director of Electric Systems Roger Jones has announced he will retire next month. Roger has been with GUC for more than 41 years....

Would you like to help us live up to being good stewards of the environment like our mission statement calls us to be? Here's your chance.
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Our Water Treatment Plant (WTP) recently received two awards, the prestigious North Carolina Area Wide Optimization Award as well as the national ...

GUC’s Public Information Office received two 2020 Excellence in...

Service Awards
Tonya Roebuck / 25 Years
Customer Contact Representative II (CCR) Tonya Roebuck recently...

On November 11th, Greenville Utilities observed Veteran's Day, as we do each year. We'd like to take this opportunity in Spotlight to honor veterans currently working at GUC. Their past and present service to our country is admirable. Please join us in honoring the following veterans:...

Move-in began at the new Operations Center the week of September 28th and has gone smoothly so far! Last month, we covered the...

They call themselves the “Smooth Operators” and things went smoothly for them at their first national competition. This group of Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) employees competed at the virtual Water Environment Federation (WEF)...