
Beginning June 15th and continuing until July 27th, Greenville Utilities will temporarily change the disinfectant used in the water treatment process. The Water Treatment Plant will be using chlorine rather than chloramines during this time. ...

Our Training Office has launched a new tool for us, and it’s especially ...

A lot of operational changes have been made at Greenville Utilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of these changes ...

For a full list of GUC news, guidance, and procedures related to COVID-19, visit https://guco.sharepoint.com/sites/COVID-19Information (must login to view)...

Matthew May celebrates one year at GUC this month. As a Cashier, he is one of our employees who provides services for our customers...


Service Awards

Charles Buck / 30 Years

Charles Buck marked his 30-year anniversary with GUC this month. As the Gas Planning...

For the ninth year in a row, the purchasing section of GUC's Finance Department received the Sustained Professional Purchasing Award (SPPA), presented by the Carolinas Association of Governmental...

In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we want to remind employees about the Virtual Care options available through Cigna. Follow...

Gas Department employees have a better way to mark where new services are installed. ...

Procurement Manager Cleve Haddock was presented with the prestigious Hall-...

Since GUC started keeping track of our safety goals in 2009, we have never worked...

Brooke Norton is one of our many employees on the “front lines” providing life-sustaining utilities for our customers. As a Laboratory Technician at our Water Treatment Plant (WTP), she helps to ensure that we have safe drinking water from the Plant all the way to the...

Environmental stewardship has played a ...

GUC’s Intranet, MyGUC...


Employees of Greenville Utilities have a 115 year history of overcoming a variety of ...

Stokes Middle 

Kathy Pate and Tracy Hodges (Electric) inspired young minds and shared GUC career opportunities with Stokes Middle School students during their Career Fair on March 3rd. ...

Service Awards

5 Years

Phil Dixon, General Counsel
Debbie Miller, Paralegal

10 Years

Kristen Jarman, GMO Staff Support Specialist III
