August 2016 Board Notes

August 2016 Board Notes
The Board of Commissioners held its regular monthly meeting on August 18, 2016. Here are the highlights of the meeting:
Natural Gas Prepayment Agreement. GUC is currently participating in a 15?year natural gas pre-paid arrangement with Patriots Energy Group ending January 31, 2022. In an effort to further diversify GUC's natural gas supply portfolio and reduce costs, staff has evaluated the option of participating in a natural gas pre-payment project with Black Belt Energy (BBE). Staff recommended to the Board that GUC enters into a 30-year agreement with BBE to receive a minimum net discount of $0.17 per dekatherm of gas below market index. The Board voted unanimously to execute the agreement with BBE for a volume up to, but not exceed 2,000 dekatherms per day.
Load Management. The Duke Energy Progress (DEP) monthly peak occurred on July 26, 2016 for the hour ending at 5:00 p.m. GUC's load management system was in full operation during this period. As a result, the estimated avoided demand costs amounts to $1,184,481.